
Sun Mar 23 2008

is a tricky little word. it can be comforting, it can crush you like a ton of bricks...

it is precisely 1 cm from the top And the bottom.
it is the wallflower trying to get on the dancefloor.
it is the girl with the black eye trying to turn the doorknob.
it is the silver medal and the bronze.

and this is where i find myself. did i get here?

and the muse is changing just like the season. i feel the sunshine, but still, it doesn't bring as much comfort as it used to. and i don't know why.

everywhere. there are lessons everywhere. and in this city, they mostly suck. i'm in a love/hate relationship. i sometimes want a divorce. but i don't think there is anywhere else i can live. because as much as i see that the city is almost intolerable to live in for someone with a soft heart, i can see that it is full of people with the ability to be almost genuinely good...

i'm sleep deprived, but i'll be working tonight.


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