I am home in my very own favorite chair listening to the washing machine churn and slosh as it cleans a load of underwear. . . . Bliss.
Robbie senses something different about today. He knows I have no shoes on. This can only bode well, as he figures, no shoes, no leaving the house.
I feel like someone who has been half alive and is waking up from a semi-coma like state.
You should SEE my house. Everywhere you look there are piles of stuff to put away. Then the surfaces they were piled on need some serious cleaning. (Don’t scoff Pragmatist, you would NOT recognize this place.) There are canned goods bought over a week ago still sitting on the bread table in the kitchen waiting to be put away. A LOT of canned goods. (Costco run)
Last night we removed all the books from our two book cases and switched them around in preparation for the arrival of the new furniture tomorrow. They are all cleaned and polished, but today I have to put all the books BACK! But oh my, what a lovely task compared to shuffling papers . . .at bureaucracy central.
The clock chimes the ¾ hour and I am IGNORING it! I don’t have to go anywhere today unless I want to.
I am woman, hear me roar!
Well, I would love to chat, but I have books to shuffle. Our books. Not someone else’s books, that right there is worth 10.00 and hour! And if I feel like taking a nap right in the middle of the job, I will!
I should make signs for all the cozy places in the house with arrows that say ….. “Curl Up Here”.