The Need to Talk
Thu Dec 26 2024

With my day from dialysis today I have decided to probably bring up something that other people have wondered through the past four years now. I do not know if it is controversial as it was at the beginning — a hype to really scare us or was it not necessary to scare us. Also, was it a way for the government to grab control of us medically by killing us off one by one? Sounds cruel, does it not? I think so, but that is what I think.

Also, as far as China is concerned, they are at fault in the Covid-19 pandemic by creating the virus and killing several people in the process. I also believe that my former caregiver Dawn Kastenmeier-Fry ended up with the virus in December 2019 when she was hospitalized for a few days and could not figure it out how to kill it with antibiotics. It took a while to find what would help her feel better. I did not get Covid-19 until July 18, 2022. My caregiver Deb got it as well. I was in the hospital and in my first nursing home for a while. I have a feeling only that China is at fault in regard to the virus, but are not mass killers of the human race. It does make me wonder about China and the United States are concerned stand politically or financially, though. That has been brought up in conversations in the past few years, too. Hmmm? Something to look into, but I am not touching this one lightly.

Now, if China is mass murdering people with Covid 19, I will not blame China for kill in me. They do not know me. China may not want to know me. Who knows. Only God knows everyone!


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