I have called MTM and got my Monday medical ride taken care of. I learned today that another date in January for dialysis was missing, so the MTM agent fixed the date and now I must cancel my appointment for therapy (physical) on January 31st. Ugh! MTM cannot schedule my appointments right when it comes to my reoccurring rides to dialysis. Dang people?!?!
My Thought on Medical Ride MTM
J do have to admit that I am not very happy with MTM because they do not get my medical ride appointments done properly/correctly, and I am not fond of the government taking over medical rides where we cannot call the medical ride companies ourselves to schedule rides with them personally. It is very nerving. I wish we did not have to give so much information to strangers on the phone. When MTM talks to you, they want a number from you and that is my Forward card number they want they call ID. I feel grey treat you like a number instead of a like a human being. Ugh! I do not like it very much. When I can, I am a private person otherwise. My information, which has, been compromised more than once. I have had to get different debit cards with my last bank because my debit card numbers were found by devious hackers at Visa. It takes several days for a new debit card to be mailed and replaced. Even one time a compromised debit card number was sent my way, and I could not use it which took another several days—two weeks to wait for, yet another debit card. This is WHY I have memorization skills galore with numbers and codes on debit cards. Memorization of numbers is a big deal for me. Do not ask me why or how my memory works with numbers because where I get my great memory is..., … not known from my parents because they do not even know!