Mon Aug 16 2004

I’ve said in my previous diary: I’ll start to write again when it feels right…Well, I’ve found this place and decided to make myself comfortable, to settle down and “unpack” first things first. I’ve changed my DDHome because I’ve changed. Or so I would like to think anyway. How often do we want to see ourselves as changed for real, while only changing outside cover? I have no illusions about mine. I’m - still the same and it is my perceptions that have been changed, really… And now it is time to sum up previous experiences, to draw a line and say – “I was – there, and I am – here now”. Things I’ve learnt and things I still need to learn – they endless. As endless is my quest for learning. In the end of a day this is exactly what Miss Tick supposed to do, according to Mr Pratchett: The Exploring Of The Universe. A bit about where I stand at the moment. I want to make a note of this as I’ve discovered recently – people do change and I’d like to be able in some time to go back here to see how I’ll change. Once again… What Is Miss Tick? I’m the one, who thinks a lot and writes those thoughts whenever finds a spare minute. (This is not a good thing for readers, as most of those thoughts are generally random and meaningless) I ask a lot of questions. To myself. I actually think, that most of questions I’d ask – in fact – the answers...(hmmmmm…that doesn’t make sense, but probably does make a point – I do not expect someone to give an answer, although, any comments will be welcome) I’m a hypocrite. But a “good” one (if there is such thing!): I say things I sincerely believe I am, AND THEN they turns out to be completely untrue. Like, for example – I’d say that I’m a wise and reasonable. Next thing you know: me running away from the problems instead of trying to sort them out. I am a coward. True – I’m afraid of consequences before actually do things. From the other hand – I’ve adopted that “close eyes and jump” theory – I do do things on impulse. Sometimes this doesn’t do me good. Those “sometimes” happened more often then the other way. I love logic. I try to find it in anything. Often – where there isn’t one. In contradiction to the above, I live more by emotions and imagination. I often put my own thoughts in other ppl’s mouth and assume that’s –what they meant to say. I understand this is bad and I’m working on it. My new credo – “Things Are As They Are”. Accepting is my Ultimate Target. We’ll see how I’ll get there (if I will). I think, that’s enough for the start. I will add things later, as they will come out of hiding inside my head. At the moment let’s just get on with the mission statement: Explore My Universe.


  • From:
    Teaeyegger (Legacy)
    Thu Aug 19 2004
    All judgements are subjective in nature… for what appears as factual with some exceptions is usually a perception… What is unique to me maybe normal to some one else… I suspect it is for while I sit and say that is unique and interesting the person who created it believes it to be what it is an expression of their artistry… and while it may be unique to me to them it is what it is… I know that is the sense of things with me… People will comment that my writing is unique or thought provoking or some times plain garbage… in each instances I am just letting out what is inside me… We are unique because we are who we are… there is know one who is us… so from that point of view we are all unique what makes us more so or extra ordinary is our passion for giving… of our being to others in ways that lift and motivate… or inspire… that is what in my view makes a person so much more… knot that they have Godde Given talents… butt that they use them to inspire others to use theirs…
  • From:
    Yetzirah (Legacy)
    Tue Jun 19 2012
    Oh goody! I think a virtual welcome party is a GREAT idea. Let's float it out to all the dd members on our friends list. We should give some of them some time to migrate. I know of one for sure who is getting ready for a wedding and won't be able to really get over here until August. Maybe a September party? Really, it's a VERY good idea. Tell me how I can help! LOVE the look of your diary here. Excellent! Woo Hoo! I am looking forward to new/old community here. Y
  • From:
    Yetzirah (Legacy)
    Thu Jul 05 2012
    Thanks for the tip about the image. I'm going to try that today! Where did you find your background image? It's beautiful!
    • From:
      Misstick (Legacy)
      Thu Jul 05 2012
      I just typed into google "web tiled background" and searched in Images ;-) I can send you this one or maybe few more I've gathered while looking for my own...hmmm...I wonder if there is a way to share libraries...
  • From:
    Cristobal Tilgner (Legacy)
    Wed Jul 13 2022
    At first I was skeptical that I am able to read such a long post. Your style caught my interest. Your writing is always top-quality. Great Article Neil. It was fantastic! I just looked it up, but didn't leave any comments. However, I thought that this article was valuable enough to warrant a mention. I'll be implementing some of these suggestions soon to my websites.
  • From:
    Adelia Ehrle (Legacy)
    Sat Jul 16 2022
    I wasn't sure I was able to write writing such a long article in the beginning. Your style captured my attention. Then you came back with another amazing article, as usual. Great Article Neil. Although I had read the article a couple of days ago, I did not make a comment. However, I believed that it was worthy of a"thank you. I'll use some of these tips on my own websites very soon.
  • From:
    Santiago Klemetson (Legacy)
    Sat Jul 23 2022
    At first, I didn't believe that I am able to read such a long post. Your style certainly impressed me. Your content is always outstanding. Great Article Neil. Although I go through it a couple of weeks ago, I didn’t make any comments. But I thought the article was of a high quality to deserve a thankyou.
  • From:
    Hipolito Muessig (Legacy)
    Sun Jul 24 2022
    I was initially skeptical. I couldn't believe I actually had the chance to read this long post. Your style certainly caught my fascination. You came again with an outstanding content as usual. Great Article Neil. This article is great. Even though I read it only a couple of times in the past, I did not make any comments. But, I felt that the article merited being mentioned.
  • From:
    Jessiesunty (Legacy)
    Thu Jul 28 2022